Spinning Sheep Fiber Farm
Finn (Finnish Landrace if you want to be precise) wool has come into its own after being overshadowed by the breed’s other excellent qualities. Hand-spinners, knitters felters, and weavers seek it out because of its soft hand and luster. The current price of Finnsheep wool reflects its rarity.
Finn wool comes in a variety of natural colors: white, black, brown, gray, fawn and spotted. Finnsheep fleeces have a soft hand and luster. It is the combination of these two traits that make Finn wool so special. Luster is usually only found in the long wooled breeds, which tend to be coarse. Finnsheep combine these two desirable traits into one fleece. Finnsheep fleece is much sought after by felters because of its fast felting quality and nice drape.
The American Wool Council grades Finnsheep wool in the fine end of the medium wool spectrum with a staple length of 3 to 6 inches. The yield may be of up to 40% higher than most other breeds’ fleeces due to the low levels of grease in the wool. Average micron counts of our sheep range from 21 to 27 microns.
if you see something you'd like to purchase, just contact us. We'll figure the shipping, e-mail you an invoice, and upon payment, get that shipped out to you-usually the next day.
This lovely dark gray fleece is compliments of Beet. Beet lives his life, peacefully munching grass and graciously accepting scratches. This sweet wether has produced a fleece of wonderful softness. Beet was coated during the hay season, so there is minimal VM in his fleece. His crimpy to wavy locks have a staple of 5”. After heavy skirting, this fleece weighs in at 4 lb 3 oz. Beautiful Beet is $125 plus shipping
UPDATE: 1/2 of Beet's fleece has been sold. The remaining 2# is still available.
$50+ shipping from 64040

This gorgeous Finnsheep fleece is from Elbee, a nice wether who spends his whole year eating and growing soft, crimpy fleece. His black badger fleece is pale silver to very dark gray. Minimal VM. 4.5-5” staple, 4 lb 4 oz. $115 plus shipping from 64040. SOLD

Katydid was part of the 2022 lamb group. These lambs were the most rambunctious batch ever born at Spinning Sheep Fiber Farm. The Rascal flock would race toward the gate to greet us, then kick up their heels and race back to the barn. Katydid produced an amazing fleece, cozy soft and crimpy. There is minimal VM in this black badger fleece. 5-6", 3lb 5 oz. $90 plus shipping from 64040.

Cowboy, a great, big Finnsheep, was our first bottle lamb. When he was born, his markings resembled those of a calf. This black/gray wether was not neat with his wool, so it required very heavy skirting. The remaining crimpy, soft wool has a staple of 3.5-4", weighing 2 lb 8 oz. $62, plus shipping from 64040.

Finnsheep Bright Eyes, aka Aunt Bee, got her nickname by being willing to babysit lambs while the ewes went out to eat and relax. The lambs would snuggle up for naps or use her as a climbing toy. She grew a nice, crimpy black badger fleece with minimal VM. She decided to go for a longer staple, 6-6.5", 2 lb 11 oz. $75 plus shipping from 64040.

Maria, a Finnsheep, makes soft black to dark gray fleece. This fleece has been heavily skirted to remove VM, leaving it nice and clean. While she is quite stubborn and hard to get along with, Maria does make a beautiful, soft fleece.1 lb 12 oz, 4-5" staple. $47 plus shipping from 64040.